Vendor Information

Thank you for your interest in becoming a vendor at the Valdosta-Lowndes Azalea Festival, however, all vendor spots have been filled for 2025.

Please check back after 1 April 2025 for the 2026 Vendor Application.

Food vendors are by invitation only

Vendor Guidelines & Information

Reminder: Food Vendors are by invite ONLY. DO NOT fill in an application to become a food vendor unless you were instructed to do so.



Set-up will be allowed only on Friday, March 7th for vendors from 9am to 6pm.  All set-up must be completed by 6pm on Friday.  No set-up will be allowed on Saturday.  Vendors will be allowed to carry delicate materials into the Park on Saturday and Sunday, but there will be no vehicle traffic in the park during the festival.  Uniformed security will be in the park after 6pm on Friday and after 6pm on Saturday until 7am the next day.  Vendors MUST NOT start to breakdown their display until 5pm Sunday.  In the interest of guest safety, park gates will not be opened for vendor load-out until 5:15pm on Sunday, March 9 (no exceptions).  This is not a juried show.  Rain or Shine.  Applications are accepted on a “first come, first served” basis until all the spaces in the park ore taken.  Submit your application early! NO REFUNDS GIVEN

* In the event of rain before or during the festival, no vehicles will be allowed in the park. Brookwood Drive will be blocked and available to vendors for loading and unloading.


Vendor Acknowledgements


Acknowledgments including reserved space assignments will be emailed no later than three weeks before the Festival.  Ne sure to check your spam folders as your email will contain attachments some email providers may consider spam. Remember that electricity in the Park is limited so be sure to call first and send in your application early if you will require electrical power, however, it is not guaranteed.  Electrical power consists of one 15-amp circuit.


General Information


Booth space is 10′ X 10′ and will extend throughout the Park with a festive, open-market atmosphere. All vendors will be integrated throughout the park, including non-profit. The Azalea Festival does not provide tents, tables or chairs. This is a community festival, not a juried art show. All types of merchandise will be allowed except yard sale items and anything deemed offensive by the Azalea Festival officials.  Those setting up displays considered inappropriate by the Festival Committee will be asked to remove their goods and leave immediately with no refund of application fees. No profanity will be tolerated.  Any sharp items, such as knives, must be kept in a locked display case.  Vendors who sell food or beverage items who have not signed up to do so will also be asked to leave.  No trailers will be allowed in the park.  There is ample parking in nearby lots for cars, trucks and trailers.


Not-for-Profit Organizations


Not-for-Profit groups are allowed one space and may sell items of their choice.  Displays describing your organization and simple give-aways are encouraged.  Do not give away bottled water, beverages or food items.


Food Vendors


Food vendors are by invitation only.


Contact Us

For Vendor questions and information, please contact us Mon-Fri (9am-5pm) at:

Ph: 229-269-9381